Fifty-fourth Annual Sessions of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, 2025
The Annual sessions are a key annual activity of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon which is conducted during the month of June and enables members to present their research papers at technical sessions. The Annual Sessions commence with a formal Ceremonial Inauguration during which the outgoing President delivers his/her Presidential Address, and the Annual Awards of the Institute are presented. The Annual General Meeting of the Institute at which the Council for the next year is elected is also held after the Ceremonial Inauguration. Presentations of awardees and Memorial Lectures are also delivered during the Annual Sessions. Each Annual Session is conducted based on a Theme brought forth by the President. A Themed Seminar based on a particular area of interest is usually conducted to emphasize the areas covered. The tentative program of the Fifty-fourth Institute of Chemistry Ceylon Annual Sessions, 2025 is available under the downloads section.
With the intention of popularizing Chemistry and chemical sciences among the young generation, the IChemC is organizing the 54th Annual Sessions in 2025. The ceremonial inauguration of the annual sessions is scheduled to be held in June 2025. The exact date and the venue will be announced in due course.
The annual general meeting is the event during which prospective candidates for the new Council year 2025/2026 are appointed. The new members will be elected based on a voting system. It is scheduled to be held on the same day after the inauguration ceremony.
Undergraduate students who are conducting research under the GIC programme and Members of the IChemC are invited to submit abstracts to be considered for the Annual Sessions. Abstracts on on-going research can also be submitted.
Only members (other than student members) of the IChemC are permitted to be Corresponding Authors. An accepted abstract could be presented at the Annual Sessions by any of the authors. A Collaborator/Co-author who is not a member of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon should apply for Session membership. It is not a requirement for co-authors living overseas to obtain membership at the IChemC. All authors, other than Session members, should not be in any arrears of membership fee, including the current year’s subscription prior to the Annual Sessions. All abstracts and extended abstracts must be submitted through the IChemC online abstract submission portal on or before the 15th of March 2025.
Information and instructions on abstract submission are provided below. Please note that abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared/submitted according to the guidelines provided, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for review.
WCC, is a collection of great women Chemists in Sri Lanka under the unique and strong umbrella of Chemistry in the country, named College of Chemical Sciences (CCS) & The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (IChemC). It includes a group of Veteran Chemists produced by various Universities in Sri Lanka and abroad, who are qualified and experienced in the Chemistry World. The women professionals working in WCC have greatly contributed to the field of chemistry as academics and researchers. One of the objectives of WCC is to prioritize the active participation by women chemists in the field of harmless Chemistry.
The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon is pleased to announce that the 54th Annual Sessions will be held in June 2025. The theme for 2024/2025 is “Chemistry for Quality Life”.
Members of the Institute of Chemistry are invited to submit abstracts and extended abstracts to be considered for presentation at the 54th Annual Sessions. The members of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, who are currently pursuing research outside Sri Lanka, may also submit abstracts for the Annual Sessions. Abstracts and extended abstracts on on-going research can also be submitted.
Only members of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon are entitled to be principal authors (corresponding authors). If the presenting author is not a member of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, and not eligible for applying for membership, he/she must apply for the session membership (if the abstract is accepted). The session membership fee of Rs. 1500/= should be paid online (Account number 3271080; Bank of Ceylon - Rajagiriya branch). The e-receipt along with the required details (name of the author and the abstract number) shall be emailed to [email protected].
Authors are required to follow the guidelines and use the appropriate template in preparing both the abstract and the extended abstract, given below.
The principal author (corresponding author) or presenting author is permitted to submit abstracts via IChemC online submission portal on or before the 15th of March 2025.
At the time of submission, the principal author (corresponding author) and the presenting author (if already a member) should not have any arrears of membership fee, including the current year’s subscription that was due on the 15th of May 2025.
Please note that abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for review.
Acceptance of the abstracts for presentation will be notified to the principal author by the 30th of April 2025.
All accepted abstracts will be printed in the “Chemistry in Sri Lanka” periodical.
Members of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon are invited to apply/nominate candidates for the
following awards for the year 2025.
- Institute of Chemistry Gold Medal
• Dr. C L de Silva Gold Medal Award
• Devanathan Memorial Award
• Chandrasena Memorial Award
• Ramakrishna Memorial Award
• Kandiah Memorial Awards
• Professor M U S Sultanbawa Award for Research in Chemistry
The criteria and requirements for each award, along with the relevant form(s) to be completed, are provided below.
Please note that the completed form(s) and all other documents should be submitted by e-mail in pdf format to Hony. Secretary ([email protected]) of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon on or before the 28th of February 2025.
Tentative Programme for Annual Sessions is as follows:
16th June 2025 - Inauguration (2.00 pm – 5.00 pm) at BMICH
17th June 2025 - Theme Seminar (9.00 am -12.00 noon) at Malabe campus
AGM (2:30 pm) at Malabe campus
Annual Dinner and Induction Ceremony (Place to be announced)
18th June 2025 - Technical Sessions at Malabe campus or Rajagiriya
19th June 2025 - Technical Sessions at Malabe campus or Rajagiriya