Chemistry in Sri Lanka
Chemistry in Sri Lanka is a tri-annual publication of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon and is published in January, May and September of each year. It is circulated among the members of the Institute of Chemistry and students of the Graduateship/DLTC course and libraries. The publication has a wide circulation and more than 500 copies are published.
Award-winning lectures, abstracts of communications to be presented at the annual sessions, review papers, activities of the Institute, and membership news are some of the items included in the magazine.
The editor invites from the membership the following items for publication in the next issue of Chemistry in Sri Lanka.
• Personal news of the members
• Brief articles of topical interests
• Forthcoming conferences, seminars and workshops
• Latest textbooks and monographs of interest to chemists
All publications will be subjected to the approval of the ‘Editorial and Publicity Committee’ and the Council of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Further, prospective career opportunities for chemists could be advertised in Chemistry in Sri Lanka at a nominal payment. The editor in charge welcomes suggestions from the members for improvement of the publication.