The College of Chemical Sciences (CCS) was established in January 2001 during the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. The main objective of the CCS are to conduct all the educational and training activities of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon.
CCS conducts the following educational programmes
- Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemical Science [BSc Hons (Chemical Science)]
- Graduateship in Chemistry programme [GIC]
- Diploma in Laboratory Technology [DLT]
- Certificate courses in Chemical Sciences
The institute’s Educational programme started with the Laboratory Technicians Training programme in 1973 and the Graduateship course in 1979 and they are still being conducted to this day. Up to 2024 a total of 2,165 graduate chemists and 1,687 DLT diplomates have been produced by the Institute
The functions of the College are:
- to conduct degree programmes, post-secondary, Graduateship, Diploma, and Certificate courses in the Chemical Sciences
- to promote education in and application of Chemistry at all levels.
- to initiate research activities in collaboration with Universities, Industry and foreign Institutions
- to establish library facilities including database access and technology information
- to conduct refresher/in-service/training courses for scientists and teachers
- to assist Industry in product development, problem solving, quality improvement and product diversification
- to encourage staff exchange between the College and the Universities /Research Institutes in Sri Lanka and overseas
- to publish journals/monographs etc to disseminate the latest knowhow in the Chemical Sciences
- to take any measures that may be necessary for the attainment of the educational goals of the Institute