The Objectives of the CQA
The CQA has a broad mandate to,
- Institutionalize a culture of quality assurance in accordance with national guidelines and international practices
- Ensure that the procedures of the Institute are aligned with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) guidelines and national requirements
- Develop and maintain a favorable public perception of the Institute through improved quality of education based on the consistent practice of quality assurance procedures.
The Major Functions of the CQA
To be in line with the nationally recognized performance indicators of Minimum Standards for Degree Awarding Non-State Higher Education Institutions (DANSHEIs), the following functions with particular importance should be considered.
- Coordinate all QA related activities within the Institution to provide good quality education
- Develop Policies and procedures for quality education and liaise with the UGC/QAC and other external QAA agencies
- Approve, monitor, and continuous review of programs and awards
- Continuous monitoring of Teaching, Learning, Research and Assessment of Students
- Quality assurance of teaching staff
- Enhance Learning resources and student support
- Develop and monitoring Information Systems
- Assist in introducing new degree programs
- Assist in preparation of Institutional/Program Self-evaluation reports
- Preparation of Standard Operational Procedures for CQA on par with the QA process
- Organize awareness programs on QA for the staff members in all categories
- Contribute Quality and QA aspects in to the corporate plan of the institute
Director’s Message
The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (ICHEMC), since the inception, with the Council and Council sub-committees, has ensured the standards and quality in its academic degrees awarded. The educational arm, College of Chemical Sciences (CCS), established in January 2001 conducts and continually monitors all the educational and training activities of the Institute. Quality Assurance (QA) in education is a process where the standards and quality of educational provisions are being continuously monitored, maintained, and enhanced. Everyone in the Institute is collectively responsible for the QA of its education provision and standard of awards and is expected to improve the quality of the activities that they are engaged in. In order to achieve that, the Management Committee (MC) of CQA has been involved in a number of initiatives and developed useful documents including policies, guidelines, Terms of References (TORs) with the support of relevant stakeholders. The CQA is regularly organizing awareness programs on QA for the staff members in all categories of the Institute in order to streamline the practices. Thereby, ICHEMC aims to fulfil the expectation of all stakeholders meeting the required standards. The CQA aims to ensure the highest quality in pursuing education, learning and research and disseminating knowledge through quality assurance system in the Institute. Our target is to produce high quality professional chemistry graduates who are capable of steering themselves on a path of guaranteed excellence when embarking on a future career in industry or academia.
Prof. Dhammike P. Dissanayake
Director, Center of Quality Assurance, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon