Enrolment for the DLT 2025 Intake is Now Open.

The Diploma in Laboratory Technology is a two-year programme offered by the Institute and is focused on imparting middle level technical expertise in Chemical Analysis and Research to students. The programme commenced as “Laboratory Technicians’ Certificate Course in Chemistry (LTCC)” in 1973. Recently, the syllabi were revised and upgraded, and subsequently, the title of the course was changed to “Diploma in Laboratory Technology”. It is still the only course of its kind available in any field of basic science in Sri Lanka.
In the first year, students are introduced to the fundamentals in Basic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Electronics, Statistics, Management, Information Technology and Laboratory Practice. During the second year, students have the option to choose either the Food and Material Technology (FMT) stream or the Clinical Laboratory Technology (CLT) /Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) stream.
The course units offered in the FMT stream are designed to cater to students aiming at an industry-based career. Fundamental of Chemical Engineering, Food Microbiology, Food Analysis, Polymer Science and Petroleum, Industrial Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Technology are several course units that make up the FMT syllabi. On the contrary, the course units in the CLT/MLT stream are structured to assist students succeed in clinical and medical laboratories in the private and public sectors. Introduction to Medical Laboratory, Clinical Biochemistry, Diagnostic Microbiology and Diagnostic Parasitology provides a glimpse of the modules that constitute the CLT/MLT stream.
Course units which are common to both streams are Quality Assurance and Accreditation, and Laboratory Practice. The subject matter covered in these modules is crucial for the overall understanding of how laboratories and industries function. Regardless of the field selected, the students are required to undergo a six-month internship training at a selected industry or a medical laboratory. As a whole, students are required to complete a total of 60 credits. Lectures will be held full day on Friday and Saturday for first year students, and on Saturday and Sunday for second year students.
The following entry criteria have to be satisfied to enroll in the DLT programme and subsequently at the FMT/CLT programmes.
- Should have followed the GCE Advanced Level examination in the Science Stream.
- Should have passed six subjects in one sitting, with credit passes for Mathematics and Science at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination, and should have passed English Language in not more than two sittings.
However, to follow the MLT programme, the following criteria have to be satisfied.
- Should have passed six subjects with credit passes in Mathematics and Science at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination in one sitting and should have passed English Language in not more than two sittings.
- Should have passed any two subjects from among Physics, Biology, Agriculture and Combined Mathematics in one sitting, with a credit pass for Chemistry in one sitting at the G. C. E. (A/L) Examination.
- Should be not less than 18 years or more than 35 years of age as of 01.01.2025.
Note: Only those who qualify in the MLT stream shall be eligible to apply for MLT registration.
The DLT programme is highly recognized by organizations in the public and private sectors. Several such organizations have gone to the extent of paying the DLT tuition fees of their employees so that their employees are able to acquire this qualification. Moreover, those who completed the diploma have been entitled to salary increments and other incentives. Thus, the diploma qualifications have assisted many to climb the ladder of career success.
The completion of the DLT programme is considered as an entry qualification to the GIC, in lieu of the normal requirement, which is three passes at the G.C.E. (A/L) examination. Furthermore, students having an honours passes at the overall DLT programme are entitled to a scholarship to follow the GIC programme. The scholarship grants a tuition fee waiver for the first two years (Levels 1 & 2) of the GIC programme.
Those who complete the DLT programme are required to become “Technician” members of the Institute for life. They are entitled to use the designation Tech.I.Chem.C. after their name.
Those who have passed Level 1 and Level 2 of the GIC programme, and have received an honours/a merit pass at the DLT programme are entitled to the Licentiate Membership of the Institute after gaining sufficient experience in disciplines related to Chemical Science.
Additionally, individuals who have passed the DLT programme, and have been a Technician member of the Institute for not less than 8 years, and also having the adequate experience in the field of Chemical Science, are eligible to obtain the Licentiate Membership (L.I.Chem.C.) of the Institute, which is generally open to those having a B.Sc. (3 years) degree including Chemistry as a subject.
The Diploma programme is designed to provide school leavers an opportunity to pursue a technically oriented career in the industry or in laboratories. It serves to improve the knowledge and skills of those already employed in laboratories.
After successful completion of the programme, diplomates would be,
- Recruited as a qualified middle-level technician (technical officer) by private and public sector organizations;
- Admitted to the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon as a Technician member;
- Enrolled into the GIC programme and can get qualified as a Graduate Chemist within four years, even without A/L qualifications.
This two-year programme continues to be the only programme producing middle-level technical officers in fields related to Chemical Science in Sri Lanka. It helps those who are already employed in laboratories and industries to upgrade their knowledge, skills and qualifications as a laboratory technician.
First year
Friday Full Day (8.00 am - 5.15 pm)
Saturday Full Day (8.00am – 5.15pm)
Sunday Full Day (8.00am – 5.15pm)
Second Year
Saturday Full Day (8.00am – 5.15pm)
Sunday Full Day (8.00am – 5.15pm)
Account Details:
Number – 0008492775
Name – Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
Bank – Bank of Ceylon
Branch - Rajagiriya
1) Make an online transfer of the payment to the above BOC account number.
If you are willing to make the payment physically, visit the nearest BOC branch and make the transfer to the account number mentioned above.
2) The following documents should be submitted on the inauguration (both original and photocopy).
- Educational certificates (GCE O/L and GCE A/L certificates)
- Birth certificate (In Sinhala or English)
- National Identity Card
- Service letter from the employer (if available)
- Three(Passport size) photographs – Hard Copies
- A soft copy of the above photograph
Important: Please retain the original bank slip and application form as they will be collected at the start of enrollment.