A Member or Fellow or an experienced practicing Chemist seeking the award of the designation of Chartered Chemist shall need to demonstrate a high level of competence and professionalism in the practice of chemistry and show their commitment to maintain their expertise. They will need to have at least five years of professional experience subsequent to a good enhanced first degree or can demonstrate an equivalent level of attainment.

Every candidate for the award of the status of Chartered Chemist (C.Chem.) shall

  • be more than 30 years of age


  •  have passed parts I and II of the Graduateship  Examination conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon.


  • have obtained a BSc Hons in Chemical Science from the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon.


  • have obtained a Special Degree with Chemistry as the principal subject from a recognized university.


  • have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with an adequate coverage of Chemistry, acceptable to the Council and at least a  Masters Degree in a branch of Chemistry from a recognized university.


  • have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university, with an adequate coverage of Chemistry and has had sufficient


  • experience and/or attainments in the Chemical Sciences for the period of  at   least 10 years acceptable to the Council.


  • have obtained any other equivalent qualifications acceptable to the Council,


  • have  passed Part II (C) of the  Graduateship Examination conducted by the Institute
  • have an equivalent attainment acceptable to the Council.


  • be able to demonstrate a high level of competence and professionalism in the practice of Chemistry and show his commitment to maintain his expertise for a period of at least 5 years subsequent to obtaining the qualifications and experience referred to in C 2 above.


  • Such a person should provide evidence of possessing one or more of the following at a level acceptable to the Council.
    • has specialist chemical skills relevant to their practice
    • has in– depth knowledge of the specialist areas of chemistry
    • has responsibilities based upon chemistry and has made a significant personal contribution.
    • demonstrates professionalism in the workplace
    • has maintained chemical expertise through continuing professional development

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