An annually elected Council is responsible for the governance of the Institute. For the running of its activities, several statutory committees and sub-committees are appointed at the first meeting of the new Council.
Aims and objectives of the Institute are,
- Promote and advance the Science of Chemistry and its applications in Sri Lanka.
- Advice the Government and give counseling to public corporations, local bodies and other institutions on all matters connected with the application of Chemistry to the progress and development of the country.
- Promote the acquisition, dissemination and interchange of chemical knowledge by providing a forum for the presentation of original communications and discussions thereon; establishing and maintaining libraries; publishing matters of interest to the profession of Chemistry and any other means.
- Promote education in Chemistry at all levels.
- Promote, encourage and foster original research in Chemistry.
- Assess the eligibility of candidates for admission to the various grades of membership.
- Conduct or provide for the conduct of qualifying examinations for all grades of membership of the Institute and to promote, provide or approve course of study for such examinations.
- Conduct or provide for the conduct of examinations for the award of diplomas, certificates and other distinctions, in such branches of Chemistry as the Institute may from time to time, deem necessary and to prescribe, approve or provide courses of study for such examinations.
- Ensure the maintenance of high standards in the professional activities and the general conduct of its members.
- Establish liaison with other scientific and professional organizations
- Establish and enhance the status of the profession of Chemistry in Ceylon
- Take any other measures that may be necessary for the attainment of all or any of the objectives of the Institute
Being a charitable institute, there is no dividend allocation, and the monetary gain is invested in the development of the Institute to popularize chemistry in Sri Lanka. The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon has made great strides in the field of education, particularly in the area of tertiary education and in creating awareness of the importance of Chemistry in day-to-day life and the development of the industry.
The Institute has established close links with professional and learned bodies in Sri Lanka and abroad. The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon is a member of the Organization of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPASL) since 1980. The IChemC maintains very close relations with the Sri Lanka Section of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) founded in 1953 and the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS). At international level, the Institute is a founder member of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) established in 1979 and a full member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) since 2009. The IChemC maintains regular contacts with the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK and Royal Australian Chemical Institute.