A rare occurrence in the history of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon Graduateship program - Two generations of graduate chemist after 34 years
Here’s a story of a mother and daughter whose paths led them both to the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, the mother graduating in 1981 and the daughter following in her mother’s footsteps 34 years later.
Mrs. Kumudinee Goonetilleke began her academic journey at the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (ICHEMC) in 1981. After completing her degree, she took on a role as a temporary demonstrator at the Open University of Sri Lanka. Over the years, she built an impressive academic career, earning a postgraduate diploma and an MA in Distance Education from the Indira Gandhi National Open University, and an M.Phil degree in Chemistry from OUSL. With four decades of experience, she now serves as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, at the Open University of Sri Lanka. She successfully served as the Head of the Department of Chemistry for a three year term commencing 2015, perhaps the first graduate from the Institute of Chemistry to serve as a Head in the department of chemistry; that is indeed a unique achievement.
As a full corporate Member and Chartered Chemist Mrs Kumudinee has served the ICHEMC with distinction in various capacities over the last three decades or so; she continues to be closely associated with the ICHEMC activities.
Sachinie Goonetilleke, Mrs. Kumudinee’s daughter, is a proud graduate of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon having successfully completed the Graduateship in Chemistry (GIC) programme in 2018. She first enrolled for this program in 2015. Upon her graduation in 2018, she joined Intertek as a lab analyst. Since 2020 she works as an executive at Stretchline in Biyagama. She is planning to continue her post graduate studies in Australia.
Mrs. Kumudinee Goonethilleke (Mother)
Ms. Sachinie Goonetilleke (Daughter)